Knitting For The Needy


Started at the request of a church member who liked to knit and natter with a few friends over six years ago, this ever-growing group of knitters are currently meeting in the a Church Hall on TUESDAYS.

Each week from 2pm – 4pm a lively and enthusiastic band of knitters, both regular attenders and members of the church, and friends from across the community gather to knit jumpers, scarves, baby clothes and jumpers for deserving causes around the world, in the UK and locally, including to, amongst others, maternity units in our local hospitals

We regularly supply items for these charities, including Hope Now, British Humanitarian Aid and others working in Eastern Europe. Through our links with an independent Mission Worker, items are sent to South Africa.

Donations of wool are welcomed and can be dropped off on Tuesday afternoons directly to the group or alternatively donations can be left in the porch of The Manse. (Next door).

New knitters of all ages are regularly joining the happy band and are assured of a warm welcome.

And if Tuesday's are bad for you to come along and join the friendship and fun, then the contributions of an ever increasing band of ‘home knitters’ are always welcome.

Refreshments are served each week, sometimes with cake, if there's a birthday to celebrate.

Currently the Group Leader is Rita Bishop

For more information please contact the Church, contact details here

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