
10:30 Badminton


10:00 Women's Group

12:15 Spud Lunches 

14:00 Knit and Natter


Noon Prayers on Zoom

(ask for login details)

We are an all-age, inclusive, worshipping community, seeking to live out the 'Good News' of the Gospel, both in our worship and activities.We are members of the Baptists Together family in the UK.We have strong ecumenical links across our community and seek, through our ministry and mission ('Crossing Places'), to reach out to the local community who live and work here.

Sunday Worship


Communion 3rd Sunday

of the month.

A Warm Welcome Awaits!

Christmas Services 2024

Sun 22 Dec: 10.30am Carol Service
‘Testimonies on creation of carols’
Christmas Eve: 6pm Family Carols
Christmas Day: 10am Family Celebration
Sunday 29 Dec: 10.30am Christmas Worship

Our History

Walmer Baptist Church was built in 1904 as an offshoot from Victoria Baptist Church (now sadly closed).  The hall was added in 1908.  The Church was built in faith in open fields and the community has grown up around us over the years.

Visit Us

We are on the corner of Dover and Kelvedon Roads.  All our meetings are open to the public.

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