A Visit from The Downs School Choir

A Visit from The Downs CE Primary School Choir and the Presentation of a New Banner.

The congregation at Walmer Baptist Church were joined for Mothering Sunday by the choir of The Downs CE Primary School, continuing a history of good ties between the school and our church. 

The choir sung for us and were presented with a banner made by the church Banner Making Group.

The banner depicts the core Christian values of The Downs School. 

The next day Pastor Seyan went to the school assembly and presented the banner to the whole school on behalf of the church. 

The above picture is by kind permission of the school and shows members of the choir holding the banner at the assembly. 

The Banner

On Display at The Downs CE School



Showing the Values:

  •  Kindness
  •  Respect
  •  Forgiveness
  •  Love
  •  Faith
  •  Compassion
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