April Round Up.
Jesus said:
I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.
(The Bible: John 10:10, CEV translation).
New Life has been in our thoughts this month, both the new life in the manse bird box and, with our remembrance of the Easter story, the new life that Jesus brings.
Babies in The Manse Bird Box.
A lot has happened since our last update. Our pair of blue tits managed to complete their nest in spite of the males insistance on continually bringing the wrong material. Mum laid eight eggs, seven of which hatched and both parents are now busy feeding their lively chicks. Interestingly, the chicks pass their waste as little sacks, which the mother removes from the nest, keeping it claen and tidy.
Easter 2019
We are an Easter people, and proclaim:
Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
Having concluded our Lent conversations (see last month) we observed Palm Sunday with the traditional palm crosses. We held a short meeting every evening of Holy Week to follow the events of the Gospel story using the narrative of the Gospel of Luke, climaxing with the celebration of the ressurection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. This year we used an audio visual approach, showing the scenes from the Lumo project's excellent portrayal on DVD, with narration by Richard E Grant.
This year, instead of our usual Easter Egg hunt, we tried something different. As usual we collected donations of Easter Eggs but, on the Saturday of the Easter weekend, a small team of volunteers took the eggs round to our neighbours with a card from the Church. Though not welcome everywhere, we did receive some warm welcomes and thanks from some of the people we visited.
Kitchen Update
Great progress has been made in the kitchen and it is ahead of schedule. In the image above you can see the new hatch through to our hall. The kitchen has been repainted, refloored and is now ready for all the equipment and fittings to be put in. We hope to be using it again shortly. In the meantime there is still disruption so please be careful in the building and check the calendar if you are unsure about events.
Preperations have begun in earnest for our Flower Festival 'Sounds of the Bible' in June. This will be held on 7th-9th June with the Church open for visitors, refereshments and a concert by the Downs CE Promary School Samba Band. It is a free entry event