News from October
Jesus said: 'You are the light of the world' (The Bible, Matthew 5:14)
New Sanctuary Lighting
We have nearly completed replacing the old 300 watt bulbs in the Sanctuary with more efficient 15 watt LED bulbs (see picture above). The old bulbs used over 2 kilowatts when they were all on so this was a much needed and greener adaptation. We are also in the process of looking across all the Church buildings to make sure that our lighting is both economic, efficient and reduces our environmental impact.
The Downs School Harvest
We had the privilege of welcoming children, families and teachers of Reception and Year One classes of The Downs Primary School. It was good to see the church building full to the brim and was an enjoyable occasion. A good amount of produce was collected; along with the produce from our own harvest service; this was all passed to the Deal Area Food Bank.
Bible Study Course
We successfully completed our Bible study working through the heartwarming book of Ruth. About fifteen people participated. If you missed it please have a word with Pastor and he may be able to arrange for you to listen to the audio material used.
Spuds and Sparklers
We marked Guy Fawkes night with our 'by now traditional' Spuds and Sparklers in the Church hall, an evening to enjoy company and a bit of light hearted fun. This was a meal with sparklers for everyone and a fireworks display on the Church's multimedia, using our new permanent screen; with the also customary 'oohs' and 'ahs' provided by the participants.
Hearing Loop In The Lounge
We now have a hearing loop in the Church Lounge with thanks to a generous gift given in memory of one of our members, the late Irene Powell. An act of dedication is planned for 16th November at our fortnightly 'Elevenses With Pastor.' We have several members with different stages of hearing loss and this will allow them to take a better part in some of our smaller or more informal activities.