How do I become a church member?
Church members are those who make a commitment to following Jesus, and to working that out within the community of the believers here. Church members have certain rights and responsibilities within the life of the congregation, to take care of the life of the church, to care for each other, to live out following Jesus in whatever their every day life is, and to offer support to the work and ministry of this church. If you are interested in knowing more about membership, please talk to one of the Deacons or our Pastor. If somebody asks for membership, their name is brought to the Deacns who will appoint visitors to meet with them. The Church Meeting will receive the report from visitors which should affirm the prospective member’s commitment to this fellowship and then the meeting commits itself to welcoming the person. At the next conveniet communion service, a candidate is asked, before the gathered congregation, to affirm their Christian faith, and to commit themselves to involvement in and with this congregation. The wider membership then also promises to receive the new member and to pray for them.
Coming from another fellowship?
Those who are moving to us from another fellowship join by what we call “transfer”. We write to the church they have previous been part of us to ask that they transfer their member to our care and to accepting responsibility within this congregation. On receiving such a letter, a church will write back commending the member who is transferring, and, as it were, passing them into our care. The process of joining then involves the same promises on behalf of the new member and the church.